Sunday, September 27, 2009

SILC Training

Each year we get to start a new year with a new team in the SILC Program! SILCs are Student Involvement Leadership Consultants who work for UCSD's Center for Student Involvement doing, as our title implies, consultations for student organizations. We do everything from make reservations for meetings/events in the university event spaces to consulting students on how to get involved. At UCSD last year there were 475 different student organizations, ranging from academic orgs to dance groups to greek clubs to the Society for Creative Anachronisms (they dress up like knights in shining armor and re-enact epic battles).

I actually started working for the SILC program when it was first created 3 years ago and the past two years I had the privilege of serving as one of the 2 student Leads. This year we had an amazing 3 day training and have spent the last week, UCSD's Welcome Week, introducing all the new students to the many ways one can become involved on campus.

So here are just a few pictures of the people and things we've been doing as SILC's working the student org "One Stop" desk.

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