An update as to what this fall will look like for me (sorry, no pictures on this one)
I'm taking 4 and I only have class Tuesday and Thursday (how great is that, 4 day weekends)!
My classes are...
112A. Economic Theories of Political Behavior (4)
An introduction to theories of political behavior developed with the assumptions and methods of economics. General emphasis will be upon theories linking individual behavior to institutional patterns. Specific topics to be covered will include collective action, leadership, voting, and bargaining.
SOCI 137. Sociology of Food (4)
Topics include food as a marker of social indifferences (e.g., gender, class, ethnicity); the changing character of food production and distribution; food as an object of political conflict; and the symbolic meanings and riuals of food preparation and consumption
MGT 172. Business Project Management
This course covers both the process aspects of project management –– planning, scheduling methods, milestone setting, resource allocation, budgeting, and risk mitigation –– as well as the human capital management imperatives –– communication, feedback, team work and leadership. Project portfolio management theory and practice will be covered as well as R&D road mapping.
And...Intro to Acting...because why not? It's my final year of college.
So far, the classes seem incredible. The professors are a lot of fun and the subjects are things that I have a real interest in. It should be a great quarter academically.
I still have 3 jobs. Campus Tours (since freshman year), Student Involvement Leadership Consultant (SILC) (since sophomore year), and Alumni Discovery Ambassador (since last year). They are probably the most incredible jobs a student could have at UCSD because I get to set my own schedule for each of them AND I get paid pretty darn well for a student job.
There are some postings about the SILC position in another blog entry so I wont go too much into it. But for each job I have amazing coworkers and the opportunity to meet and work with some of the most astounding students that UCSD has to offer.
The only club I'm involved in this year is the Student Foundation, a foundation whose mission it is to teach UCSD student about philanthropy while raising money for the foundation so as to be able to give out student scholarships (you can read about the foundation at I'm actually the Chair for the Development Committee, so it's my job to help educate students about philanthropy and encourage them to donate to our foundation.
I may join the sailing team if I can manage the early mornings and the drive to Mission Bay for practice. We'll have to see about that one (I really want to do it though!)
Otherwise, I have a long list of all the things I want to do during my final year in California. I haven't yet visited Yosemite National Park, nor have I driven the entirety of the Pacific Coast Highway (a drive I'm hoping to make by bicycle at some point). There are plenty of wineries left to go tasting at and a number of beaches and festivals I haven't had the chance to attend. So this year is for exploring San Diego and California because I'm seeing it as my final year here and the last time I'll have the freedom to take long weekends as I please.
And yes, I did say final year as at this point in time I intend to move (somewhere) after I graduate. I'm hoping to spend a few months volunteering abroad, then possibly settling on the East Coast or in Europe for a few years with a job (what job that is is yet to be determined).
If you have any suggestions my ears are always open!
Yosemite and Muir Woods are like being in a totally different world, one that you will carry forever. Sounds like a great year ahead, Stephanie! Love the smiles...hugs, Nadine